Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Motivated Entrepreneur

Pontile al Tramonto [Revamped]What is the key to success for an entrepreneur? Is it there talent, skill, creation, vision, innovation or ability to solve problems? Perhaps it is a combination of all of these attributes. For me (and this is only my opinion) I feel that all of these are important however the glue that binds these together is motivation. You can have all the listed attributes and never succeed if you are not motivated. Some of us may be motivated to succeed while others may be motivated not to fail. Those of us who are motivated to succeed are likely to use all of

Tuesday 26 June 2012

I don't have time to be an entrepreneur!

Busy dayYou work full time, have hobbies, enjoy socialising and look after your children. You want to be an entrepreneur. You want to start up a business but don't want to give anything up in your current lifestyle. You have done odd bits to get your business off the ground but not enough or nothing concrete. You've resided yourself to the fact that although you like the idea of being an entrepreneur it will probably never happen. You just don't have the time. Does this sound familiar?

Monday 25 June 2012

Introducing The Aspiring Entrepreneur

Hello and welcome to 'The Aspiring Entrepreneur'. I have given the blog this title because that is exactly what I am - an aspiring entrepreneur. I think the term entrepreneur is very wide in scope and can encompass a variety of different topics. I don't think there is any one way to define an entrepreneur or what they do. Therefore I will attempt to write articles about a variety of subjects that relate to being an entrepreneur. This is truely a blank canvas with nothing of limits (as long as the material isn't offensive). I hope that this becomes a useful resource for other aspiring entrepreneurs. As I learn more I will update this blog so keep an eye on this blog for updates. In the meantime I have published a lens on Squidoo so check it out at