Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Health Promoting Entrepreneur

As previously discussed finding inspiration can be difficult especially if you are just starting out as an aspiring entrepreneur. However, it is always reassuring to remember that there are endless ways, places and people were ideas can be gained.

Monday 2 July 2012

What about network marketing?

Business MeetingAs an aspiring entrepreneur I am always looking for opportunities within business. Network marketing was one area when researching potential business opportunities which caught my attention. This was for a number of reasons. For example it would give me an opportunity to do something different and learn new skills. In addition I would pay what appears to be a relatively small fee when compared to franchise

Sunday 1 July 2012

Risking it All in the Name of Business?

What type of an entrepreneur are you? By this I specifically mean are you a risk taker? Take 5 minutes to have a think about this. When was the last time you took a risk? How did you come to your decision - was it spur of the moment, gut instinct, or did you quickly weigh up all the evidence to make a decision?

Saturday 30 June 2012

Curve that enthusiasm!

Enthusiasm, it can be your biggest allie or your arch enemy. It can be one of your best sources of motivation, it can encourage you to learn and try new things. Conversely it can create unrealistic expectations and goals leading to disappointment and ultimate failure.

Friday 29 June 2012

Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

Journey PlanningPerhaps the title for this blog sounds a bit extreme. However you can be fairly certain that if you do not prepare your entrepreneurial idea from start to finish it might not even get off the ground.

It's an unfortunate but true reality that many businesses that start up don't make it past the first year. At present the aspiring entrepreneur is further hindered by the current economic climate. Ironically, if the current economic situation is to improve more entrepreneurs and small businesses is exactly what is needed.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Finding inspiration.........

No Time For Ideas (10th/52)Before anyone can start as an entrepreneur they need an idea to put into action. This may appear complicated and sometimes there is a danger of making this process harder than it needs to be. You don't need to develop the next Facebook or iPad to be an entrepreneur. If you can identify problems and solve them, share knowledge, be creative, or deliver a service that is of interest or makes life more convenient for others then you have a starting point which can be built upon.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Aspiring Entrepreneur Store has Launched!!

There are a number of different resources you can use to help you along your journey to become a successful entrepreneur. Many of these resources, such as this website, are free and can offer valuable practical tips to help you launch your business plan without any or with minimal financial investment.

There are some resources such as iPads (and other Tablets) which can help you with your business. Likewise the Kindle and all its Kindle books offer a convenient electronic resource for you to use to read about being an entrepreneur. If you do not want to use a Kindle or prefer the traditional book then you can also find these helpful in gaining new knowledge and skills.

Not everyone will feel they need to invest in electronics and other items to develop their business ideas and realise their entrepreneur aspirations and they may be right. There are many ideas which can be carried out with very little financial investment. However if you feel you may want specific items to help you along your journey "The Aspiring Entrepreneur Store" has just launched so is well worth a browse.