their strengths to put ideas in to place and get them off the ground. If they do fail this will not put them off. The failure will be part of a learning curve that helps to steer the entrepreneur towards their ultimate goal. Whatever that may be. Those that are motivated not to fail will probably like the idea of being an entrepreneur more than trying to make their idea work. This type of person will likely remain within the status quo as it is comfortable and none threatening. However this may then hold them back from achieving their goals.
Motivation can be of such high importance that those who you do not expect to perform well will "over achieve" and outperform those who you wouldn't expect them to.
So what can affect levels of motivation? Well, this is an interesting question. This is likely to change from person to person. However you will be either extrinsically motivated by external factors such as making money. Or intrinsically motivated by internal factors such as the feeling you get from winning a game of football or helping a colleague. If you want to increase or maintain your levels of motivation you need to know what your motivator(s) is. Are you looking at carrying out an entrepreneurial venture because you want to make money or perhaps you want to achieve satisfaction from knowing that you will be helping others and providing a much needed service.
Maybe you feel your motivation needs to be improved. You can increase your motivation by setting goals and targets to meet. Make sure these goals are readily achievable and bite size. As you achieve a goal you are likely to feel good increase in confidence and be motivated to complete your next goal. Motivation can build in momentum as you continue to meet your goals you continue to create new ones and develop your business.
Whatever your motivator it is important to have an awareness of it as this may be the very thing that keeps you pursuing your goal(s) at times when things may not be going as planned.
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